Mobile API Plugin for Tutorial

Bright Pattern Documentation

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The Mobile API Plug-in for Tutorial will teach you how to use the Mobile API plug-in to connect with the ServicePattern Mobile API.

You will learn how to:

For more information about the API methods and events discussed in this tutorial, as well as other functions supported by the API, see the Mobile/Web API Specification.

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This tutorial is intended for the IT personnel responsible for the data infrastructure of the Bright Pattern Contact Center-based contact centers. Readers of this tutorial are expected to have experience in mobile application development as well as a solid understanding of contact center operations.

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You must have a Mobile/Web scenario entry set up in your Bright Pattern Contact Center configuration. The unique identifier of the scenario entry should match the appId value used in the plug-in.

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Creating the Project

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Importing the Plug-in

To import the plug-in, follow these steps.

Step 1: Create new from plug-in.

Click Create New > From Plug-in.


Step 2: Select the plug-in.

Select the Bright Pattern > ServicePattern Mobile API checkbox.


Step 3: Import the plug-in.

Click Import selected plug-ins. You should see a list of pages and services similar to this one:


Step 4: Specify values for the plug-in.


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Using the JavaScript API

The REST services have already been mapped with the pre-built UI pages provided with the plug-in. However, if you wish to build your own UI or modify the provided UI, you can easily do this by registering your own event listeners with the provided javascript object SP_mobileAPI. If you open the SP_chat page, you can see the event mappings with the pre-built UI by the following javascript run on load:

SP_mobileAPI.addEventListener('chat_session_message', SP_demoUI.onChatMessage );

SP_mobileAPI.addEventListener('chat_session_party_joined', SP_demoUI.onPartyJoined );

SP_mobileAPI.addEventListener('chat_session_party_left', SP_demoUI.onPartyLeft );

SP_mobileAPI.addEventListener('chat_session_typing', SP_demoUI.onAgentTyping);

SP_mobileAPI.addEventListener('chat_session_not_typing', SP_demoUI.onAgentNotTyping);

SP_mobileAPI.addEventListener('chat_session_file', SP_demoUI.onImageUploaded);

The following sections show you how to set up these mappings and use the javascript API to connect with the ServicePattern Mobile API.

Connecting to an Agent

Once the connection is established, javascript object SP_mobileAPI.session will be created. To test if there is an active connection, use the following logic:

if( SP_mobileAPI.isConnected() ) {

// connected to an agent

} else {

// not connected


Sending a New Chat Message

If the connection is active, you can send a new chat message by calling


Receiving Chat Messages

First, register an event listener like this one:

SP_mobileAPI.addEventListener('chat_session_message', onChatMessage );

After that, onChatMessage will be invoked whenever a new chat message is received.

Typing Events

When the agent is typing, event chat_session_typing occurs. When the agent stops typing, the event chat_session_not_typing occurs.

To notify the server when the client is typing, call SP_mobileAPI.onTyping(true).

To notify the server when the client is not typing, call SP_mobileAPI.onTyping(false) .

Uploading an Image

If the connection is active, you can call the following function within your app to upload an image:


Ending the Conversation

You can end the conversation by calling SP_mobileAPI.endChat().

Showing Forms

To receive the event for showing the form involved with your scenario, register the event listener for chat_session_form_show:

SP_mobileAPI.addEventListener(‘chat_session_form_show’, onFormShow );

The function onFormShow would be called with the parameters (form_name, form_id) defined by your scenario entry. The demo UI provides a survey form with a form name called MobileChatSurvey.

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Testing the App

Once the app is started, the SP_Settings page should appear as follows:


The user is prompted to enter a name and phone number. The information would be saved so the user does not have to enter it every time.

When the Save button is clicked, the SP_home page should appear:


When the Help me button is clicked, the app should attempt to connect to an available agent through the scenario entry defined by the appId. The user has the option to enter the first message and/or upload the image that the user wishes the agent to see.

When an agent is successfully found, the app should navigate to the SP_chat page, where the interaction between the user and the agent takes place, as shown.


The user can chat with the agent and upload an image from the user's phone. After the interaction is finished, a survey form should be displayed (assuming that the scenario requests it), as shown.


After the survey form is sent, the whole interaction is considered completed and the app should return to the SP_home page.

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