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To illustrate the process of quota configuration, consider an opinion poll with sampling by state and age group. You have a nation-wide list of potential respondents; however, for the purposes of this particular poll you only need to get opinion from residents of California, Utah, and Arizona. Quotas are set proportionally to the state population.

Step 1. Before you import your calling list, convert the date of birth to the current persons' age. Various methods to do so exist. If you work with Excel, consider using the DATEDIF function with the start date referencing the date-of-birth cell and the end date set to TODAY().

Step 2. Import the calling list. When you reach the Fields screen, set the type of the Age column to Integer. Make sure the column with the state information is set to type State/Province.

Field types

Step 3. Follow steps 2 through 9 of the general outbound campaign configuration process to set up your campaign. When configuring dispositions, make sure you have at least one disposition of success type (e.g., a disposition indicating that the respondent provided answers to all questions in the poll).

Step 4. Associate your campaign with the imported calling list and enable it in the Properties tab. Skip all other settings in the Properties tab (a quota-based campaign can only have one list enabled within it at a time). Skip the Filters tab (a list used in a quota-based campaign cannot have any filters applied to it within the given campaign).

Step 5. Open the Quota tab and select the per value pair from 2 fields option. For the first field, select column State. For the second field, select column Age and the value groups radio button .

General quota settings

Step 6. Click the groups link, and define the age ranges. Note that ranges cannot overlap. You can click the refresh icon next to Record count to see the total number of records in each age group that you have defined.

Age ranges

Step 7. Click the set quota link. The dialog window will list all possible combinations of states and age groups in the calling list. Use the Quota value column to set a quota for each state/age-group combination that should be contacted during this campaign. Ignore all other combinations.

Quota groups

Step 8. If necessary, open the Sorting tab and review/change the order in which the records will be selected for dialing.

Step 9. Follow steps 11 through 18 of the general outbound campaign configuration process to finish configuring and to enable your campaign.

For detailed description of all quota configuration settings, see section Lists Tab of the ServicePattern Contact Center Administrator Guide.

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