- Introduction
- API Methods
- 1 General Information
- Check Availability
- Expected Parameters
- Request Chat
- Get Active Chat
- Send Events
- Get Chat History
- Get New Chat Events
- Upload File
- Get File
- Get Agent Profile Photo
- API Events
General Information
ServicePattern Mobile/Web API is a RESTful API. Here is an example of an API request:
URL: http://localhost:98/clientweb/api/v1/chats?tenantUrl=example.comMethod: POST
Authorization: MOBILE-API-140-327-PLAIN appId="test", clientId="123"
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
User-Agent: MobileClient
The TLS protocol can be used to ensure security of the data passed between ServicePattern and the customer-facing mobile/web applications. For secure communication, the above URL should be modified as follows: https://localhost:9443/clientweb/api/v1/chats?
The following elements are used for client authentication and must be specified in every client request:
- Tenant URL identifies your contact center. It corresponds to the domain name of your contact center that you see in the upper right corner of the Contact Center Administrator application after login.
- appId is the unique identifier of the Mobile/Web scenario entry that will be used to associate your application with a specific scenario.
- clientId is a unique identifier of the client application. It is used to identify communication sessions of a particular instance of the mobile application (i.e., of a specific mobile device). It must be generated by the mobile application in the UUID format. If clientId is set to WebChat, http cookies will be used for client identification.
- User-Agent specifies the type of client interface. For web applications, it is determined by the browser type. For mobile applications, this parameter shall always be set to MobileClient.
Standard HTTP response codes whose meaning conforms the original specification (RFC 2616) are not discussed in this document. For specification of such responses, see section 10 of This document only specifies the response codes whose description deviates from the original specification (e.g., is defined more narrowly or has a different meaning).
Note that a client application can only have one active communication session at a time.