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Each row of this table counts the number of times a specific block of the scenario specified in the scenario_name field was executed with a specific result during the aggregation interval.

Column Name Data Type Description
id BINARY (16) Primary key.
agg_run_id BINARY (16) Aggregator run that produced this record.
start_time DATETIME Start time of the aggregation interval.
end_time DATETIME End time of the aggregation interval.
scenario_name VARCHAR Name of the service as defined in configuration.
block_type VARCHAR Type of the scenario block.
block_title VARCHAR Block title as defined in scenario.
exit_id VARCHAR Block exit identifier.
caller_disconnect BIT TRUE if the interaction was disconnected by the remote party while this block was executed.
num_steps BIGINT Number of times the block specified in the block_title field was executed with the given result (either the exit specified in the exit_id field or abandoned by the caller as indicated by the caller_disconnect field).