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Virtual Queue (Callback) Report

This report provides a set of metrics for virtual queues associated with selected services. Unless noted otherwise with respect to a particular metric, any callback mentioned in this table shall be interpreted as a callback attempt made with respect to the given service. Note that callback attempts are counted for the aggregation intervals in which the corresponding inbound calls entered the system.

Metric Name Description
Callbacks Requested Number of calls queued for this service that requested callbacks (i.e., selected the Virtual Queue option).
% Percent of calls queued for this service that requested callbacks relative to all incoming calls except the ones abandoned in IVR or short abandoned.
Callbacks Busy Number of callbacks that failed because the called party was busy.
% Percent of callbacks that failed because the called party was busy relative to all requested callbacks.
Callbacks No Answer Number of callbacks that failed because the called party did not answer.
% Percent of callbacks that failed because the called party did not answer relative to all requested callbacks.
Callbacks Answered Number of callbacks that were answered by the called party.
% Percent of callbacks that were answered by the called party relative to all requested callbacks.
Avg Wait Time to Callback Average callback wait time (i.e., time between the callback requests and the related initial callback attempts).
Avg Callback Dialing Time Average callback answer time (i.e., time between the moments when callback attempts were initiated and the customers answered them).
Avg Agent Answer Time Average callback connection time (i.e., time between the moments when customers answered callback attempts and were connected to the agents).
Callbacks Abandoned Number of callbacks that were answered by customers and then abandoned by them while waiting for an agent (in queue or ringing).
% Percent of Callbacks Abandoned relative to all requested callbacks.
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