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API Methods


Syntax bool InitAPI();
Description Initializes the API. This request initializes the TCP connection procedure. Once connection is established the evtApiUp event is sent to the .NET application.


Syntax void ShutdownAPI();
Description Terminates the TCP connection between API and the Agent Desktop.


Syntax UInt64 CallDial(string destination, string giid);
Description Initiates a call to the number specified in destination. Specification of giid (global interaction identifier) is optional. Returns request ID.


Syntax UInt64 MuteCallRecording(string callId);
Description Mutes audio recording of the call identified by callId on the given desktop. The recording will continue, but any voice signal will be replaced with silence.


Syntax UInt64 UnmuteCallRecording(string callId);
Description Resumes previously muted audio recording for the call identified by callId on the given desktop.


Syntax UInt64 MuteScreenRecordings();
Description Mutes screen recording on this desktop. For the period when screen recording is muted, the recording will contain a static snapshot of the desktop at the moment when mute was applied.

This request is processed in the Agent Desktop Helper Application.


Syntax UInt64 UnmuteScreenRecordings();
Description Unmutes previously muted screen recording on this desktop.

This request is processed in the Agent Desktop Helper Application.

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