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Connect Chat

This block connects a chat to the destination specified in the $(destination) variable (typically, the agent found by the preceding Find Agent block or to the specified chat scenario entry). If the agent is logged in, the system tracks the agent’s state according to the state of the interaction. The block handles the call transfers and conferences internally and only ends when the remote party disconnects or last agent disconnects.

Conditional Exits

  • No Answer - The chat request is submitted to the agent, but the agent does not answer within the No Answer Timeout.
  • Target Disconnected - The chat request was answered by the agent and eventually normally terminated from the agent side. This could be used, for example, for customer surveys when an agent disconnects first and a customer survey flow starts from this conditional exit.


  • Title text - The name of the block instance.

  • Default Destination - The default chat scenario entry to which the chat will be connected if no agents were found by the preceding Find Agent block to serve this interaction.

  • Override Destination - The chat scenario entry to which the chat will be connected is this parameter is specified. If this field has a value, the scenario ignores the agent found by the preceding Find Agent block.

  • Mark all interactions connected by this block as overflow– if selected, all chats connected via this block will be marked for reporting purposes as chats made to overflow destinations

  • No Answer Timeout - The number of seconds the scenario waits for a destination to answer the call before executing the No Answer conditional exit. The default is 10 seconds.

  • Auto-answer in – The number of seconds the scenario waits before the chat request is auto-answered. If you do not use auto-answer, leave this filed empty.

  • HTML code – Defines the page that will be presented to the customer when agent accepts the chat request.

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