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Interaction Records Search

When you select option Interaction Records from the menu on the left, the application pane will initially display a search page where you define media type(s) of the interactions you are looking for as well as other search criteria, such as time frame, participating agent(s), and/or service(s) involved.

Your search criteria can have any number of conditions. To add a condition to your search, click add condition. To edit or delete an existing condition, use the mouse-over operation.

Interaction records search

You can save a set of search conditions for future use. To save a set of search conditions, click Save and assign a name to it. To use a previously saved set of search conditions, click Load, and select its name from the drop-down menu.

When all desired search conditions are specified, click the Search button. The Search Results page will open with the list of interaction records matching your search criteria. Each row of the displayed table describes a single interaction.

Search results

Note that an interaction may have multiple segments, e.g., in case when a call was handled by multiple agents. The number of segments in a call is shown in the Segments column. You can see details for each segment of a selected call by clicking that number.

Some columns show data that is media-type specific, e.g., Case ID is only relevant for emails. You can adjust the format of your table to only display the columns for the data that you need. To remove columns, hover over any column header, open the drop-down menu, and unselect the columns for the data you do not need.

You can download all records that appear in the Search Results page in the .csv format. To export the records, click the export button at the bottom of the page.

You can also manually download email content, call recordings and call progress analysis (CPA) recordings for the interactions shown in the Search Results page. Note that manual download is limited to up to 100 emails, 100 call recordings and 500 CPA recordings respectively. Periodic automated export of call/CPA recordings is configured via Services and Campaigns > Results Tab of the Contact Center Administrator application.

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