Get completed records
Description | Returns records of the specified calling list that have been completed within the specified campaign since the specified date and time. Time values are returned in the UTC time zone. |
URL | http[s]://<host>:<port>/admin/ws/t/
<tenant_url>/callinglist/getCompleted/<list_name>/<campaign_name> |
Method | POST |
Request body | Initial time in ISO format and maximum size of returned list. Current implementation limits maximum size to 1000 records (content type: application/json). Example:
{ |
Returns | 200 – Content and results of records completed within the specified campaign. |
Body | Content and result details of completed records (content type: application/json). The status part contains the results of completed records within the specified campaign. Field names in this part are pre-defined. The Completed field is always present and always set to true, other fields may be absent if record was never attempted or never reached agent. Example:
{ “completedTime”:“2013-03-01T13:15:06.456”, // UTC timezone “entry”: { } “status”: { } |
Errors | 400 – Bad request (missing mandatory fields or incorrect format)
401 – Authentication failed 403 – Authentication succeeded, but authorization failed (no privileges) 404 – Calling list is not found or campaign is not found or url is invalid |