Query a record
Description | Queries the status of a record of specified calling list in the specified campaign. Returns an error if the record with specified values of unique keys does not exist. Time values are returned in the UTC time zone. |
URL | http[s]://<host>:<port>/admin/ws/t/
<tenant_url>/callinglist/get/<list_name>/<campaign_name> |
Method | POST |
Request body | Names and values of unique keys, i.e., fields used for record identification (content type: application/json). Example:
{ |
Returns | 200 – Record content and its current status within the specified campaign. |
Body | Record content and status (content type: application/json). The status part contains the results of calling this record within the specified campaign. Field names in this part are pre-defined. The Completed field is always present, other fields may be absent if record was never attempted or never reached agent. Example:
{ “entry”: { } “status”: { } |
Errors | 400 – Bad request (missing mandatory fields or incorrect format)
401 – Authentication failed 403 – Authentication succeeded, but authorization failed (no privileges) 404 – Calling list is not found or record is not found or url is invalid |