From Bright Pattern Documentation
Get updated records
Returns records of the specified calling list that have had any activity within the specified campaign since the specified date and time. Time values are returned in the UTC time zone.
Request body
Initial time in ISO format and maximum size of returned list. Current implementation limits maximum size to 1000 records (content type: application/json). Example:
200 – Content and detailed results of records updated within the specified campaign.
Content and details of call attempts of all records updated since the specified time (content type: application/json). The attempts part contains the attempts results in a format similar to the one used for detailed campaign result export. For more information, see ServicePattern Reporting Reference Guide, section Campaign Results. Attempts are sorted by time starting from the most recent one. Example:
“entry”: {
“completed”: false,
“recordDisposition” : <DispositionName>, // Record disposition name
“totalAttempts”: <num> // Total number of call attempts made for the record.
“attempts”: [
“call_attempted”:<true/false>, // Indication of whether there was an attempt to dial any of the record numbers, some actions like adding number to DNC are not actual call attempts
“ disposition” : <DispositionName>, // Call attempt disposition
“dispositionCode” : 88,
“date” : “2013-07-05T15:19:04.000”, // Date of call attempt
“phone” : <phone num>, // Phone number used in this attempt
“callNotes”: <text>, // Call notes provided by the agent for this call attempt if successful
“agent”: <login_id>, // Username of the agent who handled this call attempt if successful
“CPAResult”:<CPA result name>, // Result of call progress analysis
“dialingDuration”: <sec>, // Duration of dialing from initiation of the attempt till network signaling reported the call as answered
“CPADuration”: <sec>, // Duration of call progress analysis from the network answer signal till the decision about the type of answer
“callDuration” : <sec> // Duration of call from detection of live voice till call termination.
400 – Bad request (missing mandatory fields or incorrect format)
401 – Authentication failed
403 – Authentication succeeded, but authorization failed (no privileges)
404 – Calling list is not found or campaign is not found or url is invalid
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