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Each row in this table represents an instance of review of an interaction segment referred to in the interaction_step_id field that was completed in the given aggregation interval.

Column Name Data Type Description
id BINARY (16) Primary key.
interaction_step_id BINARY (16) Reference to identifier of the reviewed interaction segment in the call_details table; depending on the type of call (inbound or outbound), it could be either the callee_interaction_step_id or callee_interaction_step_id field.
review_time DATETIME Start time of the review activity.
review_agent_login_id VARCHAR Reviewer’s login as defined in configuration.
review_agent_first_name VARCHAR Reviewer’s first name as defined in configuration.
review_agent_last_name VARCHAR Reviewer’s last name as defined in configuration.
review_notes TEXT Reviewer’s notes for the reviewed interaction segment.

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