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Built-in Functions

  • parsedatetime(string datetime, string format) – returns the specified date and time in the Unix format (number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970, 00:00:00 UTC). The date and time input is expected in the ICU’s Java SimpleDateFormat:

  • now(string timezone) – returns the current time in the specified time zone in the Unix format (number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970, 00:00:00 UTC). Time zone is optional; if not specified, the current time will be returned in the tenant’s default time zone.

  • round(floating_number, precision) - rounds the number to the <precision> number of digits after the point. The result is still a floating point number.

  • stripnondigits(string) - removes non-digits characters from string, leaving only digits from 0 to 9, * and # symbols. E.g., stripnondigits("123abc456") will return "123456"

  • formatduration(duration_in_seconds) – converts duration in specified in seconds into MM:SS or HHH:MM:SS formats. Produces formatted string as output. E.g., formatduration(121) will return "02:01"

  • titlecase(string) - converts string to title case (each word is capitalized)

  • tostring(integer) - converts an integer to a string. E.g., tostring(-2+1) should return "-1" as a string

  • urlencode(string) – URL-encodes a string, replacing special characters using the %dd notation. This is a conservative implementation that replaces all characters that are not explicitly in allowed characters.

  • length(string) – returns the number of characters in a string

  • replace(string, search_pattern, replace_pattern, flags) - performs search and replace in the input string. Returns the string with replacements performed. Parameters:

    • string – the input string to be searched

    • search_pattern - regular expression pattern to be matched in the input string. The list of supported patterns can be found in the table below. Note the extra \ in escapes. This is necessary in order to allow literal insertions of " and new line symbols.

    • replace_pattern - text to insert instead of matched text according to search pattern. \\0 - \\9 are allowed in replacements

    • flags – one or more of the following additional conditions:

      • i – ignore case in the search

      • g – replace all matches (otherwise only the first match will be replaced)

      E.g., replace(“abcdefg”,”c”,”z”,”ig”) produces “abzdefg”

      Pattern Description
      ^ Match beginning of a buffer
      $ Match end of a buffer
      () Grouping and substring capturing
      […] Match any character from the set
      [^…] Match any character but the ones from the set
      \\s Match whitespace
      \\S Match non-whitespace
      \\d Match decimal digit
      \\D Match anything but decimal digit
      \\r Match carriage return
      \\n Match new line
      + Match one or more times (greedy)
      +? Match one or more times (non-greedy)
      * Match zero or more times (greedy)
      *? Match zero or more times (non-greedy)
      ? Match zero or once
      \\meta Match one of the meta characters: ^$().[*+?\

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