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Voice Segment Types

This section describes the types of voice segments that can be used to create voice prompts for scenario blocks Collect Digits, Menu, and Play Prompt. The drop-down menu of voice segment types appears when you select Add New in the Prompt list dialog and click Add voice segment. Voice segment parameters depend on the selected segment type and are explained in the table below.

Note that all voice segment files must be in PCM/16bit/8KHz/Mono format.

Type Description
Voice Plays the content of the uploaded voice file. When creating a new segment of this type, click upload and select the voice file to be played. You can also enter the content of this message as a text in the Content field. If the scenario cannot find the file, it will convert to speech and play the text specified in this field.

Note that the text-to-speech function may not be available for all languages. You can obtain the list of the currently supported languages from your service provider.

Shared Voice Plays the content of the selected shared voice segment defined at the contact center level for use in multiple scenarios. Select the name of the desired shared voice segment from the drop-down menu.
Voice, from parameter Plays the voice segment defined as an external parameter whose value depends on which dial-in scenario entry this scenario is used in. Define the variable name here and set its values in property Scenario parameters of the dial-in scenario entries where this scenario will be used. Note that although the full format of the variable is $(app.custom.XXX), you only need to define the XXX part in the variable field.
Number Plays the specified number. Can be defined as a variable. Use Frac.digits to define the number of digits after the decimal point to which the natural numbers will be rounded when played as voice. E.g., if Frac.digits is set to 2 and the variable defined in the Value field returns 173.2534895, the voice segment will be played as one hundred seventy-three point twenty-five.
Ordinal Plays the specified number as an ordinal number. Can be defined as a variable.
Currency Plays the specified amount and the selected currency, e.g. sixty-nine euros. The amount can be defined as a variable. Note that not all currencies are supported in all languages.
DateTime Plays the specified date and/or time in the selected format for the selected time zone. Date and time can be defined as a variable. The input is expected in Unix time (number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970, 00:00:00 UTC). The parsedatetime function can be used to convert a human-readable time string into the Unix time.
Phone Plays the specified phone number. The number will be pronounced according to the pattern accepted in the selected language. Can be defined as a variable.
Spell Spells the specified phrase. Can be defined as a variable. Select the Read Capitals checkbox if the capital letters in the phrase shall be preceded with the word capital. E.g., aZf will be spelled as a-z-f when the checkbox is not selected, and a-capital-z-f when it is selected.
Word Plays a single-word .wav file with the specified name from the <root>\audio\talkers\[selected_language]\words directory. The name can be defined as a variable.

This segment type is currently supported for Enterprise installations only.

Personal Name Plays the specified parts of personal names with the correct intonation. E.g., for a full 3-part name the intonation will rise while playing the first name, be neutral for the middle name, and will drop for the last name. The name parts are contained in the <root>\audio\talkers\[selected_language]\names directory.

This segment type is currently supported for Enterprise installations only.

Text Converts to speech and plays the specified text. Can be defined as a variable.
URL Plays the voice content from the source indicated by the specified URL.

This segment type is designed to play back the prompts recorded by the Record block and takes the URL parameter as returned by that block.

If the URL points to some other location, the system will copy the voice content referenced by the URL, cache it locally, and use it for all subsequent scenario executions until the cache is purged. Therefore (1) voice content referenced by the URL must be available at all times and (2) possible changes of the voice content referenced by the URL may not be detected as long as URL itself remains unchanged.

EWT Plays the current estimated wait time for the given interaction in the hours, minutes, seconds format.

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