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Recordings Details Format

The following table describes the fields of the data file that accompanies the export of call recordings and maps them to the available components of configurable file names that are assigned to recordings during export. The file is exported in .CSV format and contains details of the corresponding calls, which may facilitate a search for specific recordings once they have been exported out of the system.

Note that conference calls produce multiple recordings corresponding to the number of participating agents. The recording details file in this case will contain a separate record for each recording.

Field Name File Name Component Description
Start Time $(callDate), $(callTime) Date and time of call start
Agent loginId $(agent) Username of the agent who last handled this call
Agent First Name $(agentFirstName) First name of the agent who last handled this call
Agent Last Name $(agentLastName) Last name of the agent who last handled this call
Customer phone $(customerPhone) Customer’s phone number (technically, the phone number of the party opposite to the above agent)
Direction $(direction) Call direction, Inbound or Outbound
Service $(service) Name of the service or campaign associated with this call
Disposition $(disposition) Call disposition
Notes N/A Call notes entered for by the agent
Voice Signature $(voiceSignature) An indicator of whether the recording contains a voice signature
Flagged $(flagged) An indicator of whether the call was flagged
Talk Time N/A Total talk time of this call
Export status N/A An indicator of whether the recording was actually exported (success) or the recording was never found (failed)
RecordingId N/A Name of the file that contains the recording of this call
Global Interaction ID $(globalInteractionId) Global interaction identifier of this call; note that there may be more than one call recording file with the same identifier
N/A $(callDuration) Overall call duration
N/A $(callHour) Ordinal number of the hour (from 00 to 23) during which the call started
N/A $(currentDate) The value is set to the date when the recording is exported.
N/A $(currentTime) The value is set to the time when the recording is exported.
N/A $(uniqueId) Unique identifier assigned to this recording; unlike Global Interaction ID (above), this value is unique for each exported recording

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