Listening to Voicemail Messages
If your voicemail function is enabled, you will receive an email notification every time someone leaves you a message. The system may be configured to attach voicemail recordings as audio files to such emails. Alternatively, the system may only email you a link and ask you to authenticate yourself before you can listen to the message.
If a voicemail recording is delivered to you as an attachment, you can open the attached file directly from within the email message. The file will be opened for playback in your default media player. Subsequent operations with this file may be governed by certain policies of your organization; from the technical standpoint they are not different from operations with any other email attachments that you can open at any time, forward to other people, save on your computer for later use, etc.
If the email notification contains a link, click the link.
- If you click the link while being logged on to the Agent Desktop application, the system will immediately place a call to the device that was selected at the time of login.
- If you are not logged on to the Agent Desktop application, a new browser tab or window will appear with a login dialog. Enter your username and password – these are the same username and password that you use to login into the Agent Desktop application. Click the Log in button. The system will try to place a call to the phone that is permanently assigned to you in system configuration (default phone).
You will be alerted about the above call as if it were a regular incoming call. Playback of the voicemail message will begin as soon as you answer it. You can use the dial pad of your Agent Desktop application or your regular phone to control the message playback. The following controls are available to you during playback:
- to replay the previous 10 seconds of the message, press 1
- to skip the next 10 seconds of the message, press 3
- to replay the previous 30 seconds of the message, press 4
- to skip the next 30 seconds of the message, press 6
- to replay the message from the beginning, press 7
After the message playback is finished, you can release the call as if it were a regular phone call. Otherwise, the system will wait for 15 seconds before disconnecting this call automatically. This gives you a chance to replay the message by pressing 7.
To listen to the message again after the call is disconnected, open the original email notification and click the link. Even if you are not logged on to the Agent Desktop application, you will not need to re-authenticate yourself provided that you click the link within five minutes of your initial voicemail login.
By default, the system stores voicemail messages for 90 days. However, since this is a configurable parameter, you should confirm the storage period with your system administrator.