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Configuring Your User Profile

Your user profile is a collection of information about you that may be relevant to the tasks assigned to you as an employee and that you can typically enter and/or edit yourself. For example, the chat nickname you select for yourself may be displayed to customers, and they will be likely to use that nickname when chatting with you.

You can view and edit your profile data in the multi-tab window that appears when you click Settings and select User Profile.

User profile

Some elements of your profile may be pre-configured for you by your system administrator. Whether you can change such pre-configured profile elements, and whether you are expected to enter and subsequently update any undefined elements of your profile, depends entirely on your contact center practices. You will receive detailed instructions regarding your profile set-up and maintenance from your system administrator.

The table below provides brief explanation of the elements of your user profile.

User profile tab
First name Your first name.
Last name Your last name.
Title Your job title. This property is used for information only.
Language Your preferred language. Your preferred language. This property is used for information only and does not affect the process of delivery of customer interactions to you. If, as an agent, you provide services in different languages, those languages will be configured as your skills by your system administrator elsewhere in the system.

This setting also does not affect the display language of your Agent Desktop user interface. The display language is determined by the language settings of your browser and availability of the ServicePattern product in this locale.

About me Optional free-text information about yourself.
Photo Your photo. If available, this photo will appear in the Contact Info Panel of the Agent Desktops of other employees during your internal communications. Depending on your contact center configuration, this photo may also be displayed to customers when they communicate with you using chat. To upload the photo, hover over the photo area and click Change photo. To remove the photo, hover over the photo area and click the “x” symbol in the upper right corner.

The default maximum size of uploaded photos is 10MB; the photo will be compressed to fit the UI elements where it is displayed. Note that the maximum size of uploaded files may be further limited by your system administrator.

Contact info tab
Chat nickname The name that will be displayed to other parties when they communicate with you via chat.
Phone extension The phone extension number assigned to you in the system. Read-only.
Work phone Your direct work phone number. This property is used for information only. For the duration of your working session, your phone number will be determined by the phone device option that you selected at the time of login.
Mobile phone You mobile phone number. This property is used for information only. This property is used for information only. For the duration of your working session, your phone number will be determined by the phone device option that you selected at the time of login.
Email address Your email address. The system will use this address for delivery of password reset instructions and your voicemail messages. It must be specified if you have permission and intention to use voicemail. For more information about voicemail deliver, see section Listening to Voicemail Messages.
Location tab
Time zone The time zone where you normally reside. This property is used for information only. For any time-dependent tasks, the system will determine you time zone based on your contact center configuration.
Country The country where you normally reside. This property is used for information only.
State/Province The state or province where you normally reside. This property is used for information only.
City The city where you normally reside. This property is used for information only.

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