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List of Agent Metrics

The table below provides detailed description of the real-time metrics that apply to agents and can be displayed via the Agent Metrics View. Metrics are arranged in the alphabetical order.

Metric Name Description
Active Number of interactions that are currently being actively handled by the agent. Includes all interactions in the agents’ active communications list (ACL) including the ones in the ACW stage. Note that emails in agents’ personal queues are not considered active and are not included in this count.

Note: in earlier versions of ServicePattern, the related metrics were called # Calls and # Chats.

If an agent has more than one active interaction, clicking on the value of this metric will “unfold” the agent’s row into a list showing information about all interactions that are being handled by this agent at the moment.

Agent Login Time Time elapsed from the moment when the agent logged on to the system.
Agent State Current agent state in the text form. For the Not Ready state includes the reason if available. Note that the same information is shown as an icon preceding agent’s name. Agent states and icons are explained in detail in ServicePattern Agent Guide, section Understanding and Handling Your States.
Avg Idle Time Average time the agent has spent in the Ready state between handling of service interactions.
Avg Preview Time Average time the agent has reviewed records of preview outbound campaigns from the moment the preview record is accepted to the agent and until it is either dialed or skipped.
Avg Reply Time Average time between email arrival in the agent personal queue and the moment when the first meaningful reply leaves his personal queue.
Hold For calls, total time the agent has had the current call on hold.

For emails and chats, total time that the agent has had the current interaction out of focus.

If the agent is handling multiple interactions, the displayed value relates to the interaction that is currently selected in his active communications list.

IN Active Number of active inbound interactions for this agent. See description of Active for more information.
IN Breached SLA Number of inbound emails in personal agent’s queue that have breached SLA (i.e., whose total processing time since arrival has exceeded the pre-defined service level threshold).
IN Carried Over Number of emails that were delivered to this agent by any method at any time before the reset time and remained unprocessed at the reset time.
IN Closed Number of inbound emails that the agent has closed without reply.
IN Desktop Number of inbound emails currently saved in agent's personal queue.
IN Handled Number of inbound interactions that have been handled and completed by the agent.

For emails, this metric includes IN Replied, IN Closed, IN Transferred, and IN Svc Changed.

IN Handled New This metric applies to emails only and counts only new emails that have been handled by the agent (emails related to existing email threads are excluded).
IN Offered Number of inbound emails that have been pushed to the agent.
IN Pulled Number of inbound emails that the agent has pulled from the service queues.
IN Rejected Number of inbound interactions that have been either rejected or unanswered by the agent.

For emails, includes inbound emails that were pushed to the agent and not accepted (returned to queue or transferring agent). It does not include emails that were accepted using the Postpone button.

IN Replied Number of inbound emails that the agent has replied to. Note that this metric counts only the first meaningful reply. Possible follow-up email messages related to previously replied emails are considered outbound emails and counted by the OUT Handled metric.
IN Svc Changes Number of inbound emails that the agent has re-categorized (i.e., associated with another service). Note that this metric counts only the emails that the agent continues to process after re-categorizing them. Re-categorized emails that are transferred to another resource are counted by the IN Transferred metric.
IN Transferred Number of inbound emails that the agent has transferred. Includes transfers to queues and direct transfers to other agents. Does not include IN Svc Changed.
Interaction Remote party’s name (if known) for the interaction the agent is currently handling.

If the agent is handling multiple interactions, the displayed value relates to the interaction that is currently selected in his active communications list. See also the description of metric Active above.

OUT Agent Disconnected Number of outbound interactions handled by this agent that have been terminated by the agent. Does not apply to email.
OUT Desktop Number of outbound emails currently saved in agent's personal queue.
OUT Discarded Number of outbound emails that the agent has started and subsequently discarded (deleted without being sent). Outbound emails include unsolicited emails and possible follow-up email messages related to previously replied emails.
OUT Handled Number of outbound interactions that have been handled and completed by the agent.

For emails, includes both new outbound emails and possible follow-up email messages related to existing email threads.

OUT Rejected Number of predictive outbound calls that have been either rejected or unanswered by the agent.
OUT Remote Disconnected Number of outbound interactions handled by this agent that have been terminated by the remote party. Does not apply to email.
OUT Transferred Number of outbound interactions that the agent has transferred.
Occupancy Percent of time the agent have spent handling interactions (including the preview time and after-call work) relative to his total working time (i.e., the time the agents have spent handling interactions and being Ready to handle interactions).
Preview Duration Time elapsed since the current preview record was opened by the agent.
Previewed Number of preview records handled by the agent. Includes both dialed and skipped records.
Rec Indication of whether the currently active call is being recorded.
Service Name of the service associated with the interaction the agent is currently handling.

If the agent is handling multiple interactions, the displayed value relates to the interaction that is currently selected in his active communications list.

Skipped Number of preview records skipped by the agent.
Skipped % Percent of Skipped relative to Previewed.
Talk For calls, total time the agent has spent talking on the current call. Excludes the hold times.

For emails and chats, total time that the agent has had the current interaction in focus.

If the agent is handling multiple interactions, the displayed value relates to the interaction that is currently selected in his active communications list.

Time in State Time elapsed since the last agent’s state change.

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