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Keyboard Shortcuts

A number of keyboard shortcuts are available to help streamline your workflow within the Agent Desktop application. A list of these keyboard shortcuts is available in Agent Desktop in Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts are found in Agent Desktop Settings

List of Keyboard Shortcuts

The table shown gives the key stroke and description for each keyboard shortcut.

Key Strokes Description
F6 Set focus on disposition selector
F8 Open state selector menu.
F9 Set agent state to "Ready".
F10 Open Settings menu.
Alt + S Open directory tab, set focus on search input box.
Alt + C Set focus on chat input text field.
Alt + K Set focus on chat messages.
Alt + N Set focus on number input field.
Alt + A Answer alerting interaction.
Alt + X Mute the microphone.
Alt + Shift + X Unmute the microphone.
Alt + M Flag the interaction
Alt + Shift + M Unflag the interaction
Alt + Z Hold/Retrieve the current interaction.
Alt + Q Terminate the current interaction.
Alt + P Open pre-recorded messages menu.
Alt + F Add to favorites.
Alt + Shift + F Remove from favorites
Alt + 0 Select "Non-call cases" item in AIL.
Alt + 1...9 Select interaction in Active Interaction List (AIL).
Alt + Arrow right / Arrow left Select next and previous interaction in AIL.
Ctrl + F4 Logout from AgentDesktop.

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