SSN1 Number
The SSN1 Number component is a field for entering a social security number during interaction handling. Likewise, components SSN2 Number and SSN3 Number are fields for entering additional social security numbers.
The following settings are available for the SSN1 Number component.
Select or define the text style for this element. Choose from the following options:
- << None >>
- Text
- Title
- Label
- Hyperlink
- Note
The name of this field refers to the name of this component.
Type is the type of element to be shown in the field on the form. For the sake of this component, choose Number.
Choose from the following display types:
- Text
- Number
- Phone
- Default Phone
- Date/Time
- US state
- Default email
- Hyperlink
- List
- Encrypted text
- Key Value List
- Image
- Checkbox
- Chat Transcript
- Audio Player
- Credit Card Number
- editable - By default, field editing is enabled. Unselect the editable checkbox if the Initial value specified for this field is supposed to be read-only.
- required - Select the required checkbox if data for this field must be provided in order for the completed form to be deemed valid.
Initial value, static
Enter the initial (default) value that will appear in this field when the form is presented to the agent. This can be a scenario variable in the $(varname) format. The agent will be able to change this value if the editable checkbox is selected.