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Activity Forms

ServicePattern enables your contact center to define data forms for interaction handling. If a form is defined for a particular service, it will be displayed by the Agent Desktop application when a corresponding interaction is distributed to the agent. Activity forms can be pre-filled with data from third-party databases (via scenarios) and from calling lists.

Activity forms associated with outbound campaigns can also be used for new data entry during active interaction handling and/or after-call work. Filled-out forms can be transferred between agents working on the same interactions. The data collected via editable forms can be stored as part of the campaign results and is available for off-line processing.

Note: Editable forms are currently supported for services of Outbound Voice and Blended Voice types only. For all other types of services, static forms can be used (i.e., forms without any editable fields).

To create or edit an activity form, select Activity Forms option from the root menu.

Activity Forms

The list in left pane will list the existing forms. To create a form, click the “+” button at the bottom of the list. To edit a selected from, click the button with the pencil symbol at the bottom of the list. Either operation will open a new browser window with the Form Builder application. For more information about creating forms, see ServicePattern Form Builder Reference Guide.

Use the Properties tab to assign a Name to the selected form.

To associate a form with a campaign, use the Activity tab of the desired campaign.

To see the services with which the selected form is currently associated, click the Used in… tab.
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