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Pre-defined Dispositions

This section provides description of the pre-defined dispositions that are created by default whenever you define a new service. For general information about dispositions, their purpose and configuration, see section Dispositions Tab.

Note that many dispositions defined below apply only to outbound campaigns only and some of those are used only for preview records.

The dispositions that are hidden from the agents are shown in italic, both in the application and in the list below.

Note that all dispositions in the Connection Problem folder are by default visible to agents. This is essential for preview campaigns where call progress is monitored by agents. If you are running a predictive or progressive campaign where the call progress analysis is performed by the system, you may consider hiding some of these dispositions. If you do so, it is recommended that you leave dispositions Answering machine and Silence visible to the agents.

Final folder
Product sold The business purpose of the call/chat was fulfilled.
Offer rejected The business purpose of the call/chat was not fulfilled but no follow up is required or expected by the customer.
Add to DNC The remote party requested that no further calls be made to his numbers.
Record matches DNC The attempted record matches an entry in one the associated record-based DNC lists.
Bad record The agent reviewed the calling record and marked it as unusable (e.g., due to insufficient or corrupted data).
Problem solved The customer email confirmed successful resolution of the original matter (e.g., a thank-you note) and was closed without reply. This disposition closes the email case.
Answer provided The customer email was replied to and no follow-up is expected or necessary. This disposition closes the email case.
Spam The content of the customer email had no connection to any services provided by the contact center. This disposition closes the email case.
Non-final folder
Number matches DNC The attempted number matches a number in one of the associated number-based DNC lists.
Wrong person The person who answered the call was not the person for whom the call was intended (but the latter may be reached at the same number later).
Wrong number The person for whom the call was intended cannot be reached at this number.
Dropped while talking The call was dropped (accidentally disconnected) while the conversation was in progress. This disposition can also be used for chats that were ended due to customer inactivity.
Need more information The customer email was replied to and some follow-up is expected. The email case stays open.
Connection problem folder
Busy The called number was busy.
Fast busy The call attempt returned the fast busy signal (reorder tone) indicating that the call cannot be established due to network congestion. Note that sometimes network operators also use Fast Busy to indicate invalid and/or disconnected numbers.
No answer The called party did not answer within the No Answer timeout.
Fax or modem The called line is connected to a fax or modem.
Announcement The connected call attempt returned speech that was not live voice or an answering machine greeting. (For example, this can be an IVR announcement indicating that a company office was closed or an IVR menu asking to press a digit for the desired department.)
Network announcement The call attempt returned speech before connecting the call; typically, a network message indicating, for example, that the call could not be established at this time.
Answering machine The call was answered by an answering machine.
Silence The call was established but no sound from the remote party could be detected for more than 5 seconds.
Invalid number The call attempt returned a tone indicating that the dialed number was invalid.
Other connection issue The generic disposition reserved for any possible connection problems other than the ones specified above.
System folder
Abandoned The answered call was dropped before call progress analysis could be finished.
Congestion Reserved for future use.
No agent The call was dropped after being answered by the called party because it could not be connected to an agent in a timely manner.
No disposition The agent who handled this interaction did not select any disposition for it.
System failure The call ended because of a system failure.
Agent failure The call ended because of an Agent Desktop application failure.
Phone network unavailable The call could not be made because the public telephone network was not available.
Finalized by dial rule Processing of this record was finalized by a dial rule.
No numbers left to call The maximum number of calling attempts has been reached for all numbers of this calling record and there are no more attempts for this record to be made. Note that this disposition is used only when the record contains multiple phone numbers and they are tried during the campaign. When list records contain only one phone number (or only one is used during the given campaign), the final disposition of the record that reached maximum attempts corresponds to the disposition of the last call attempt.
Disposition not found Scenario attempted to set the interaction disposition to a value that could not be recognized.
Skipped The agent accepted the preview record and then skipped it (i.e., discarded the record without dialing).
Record expired Calling record has expired. See section Lists for more information about the uses of record expiration mechanism and the related settings.
Call failed Call or call attempt terminated externally with an unknown error code.
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